January 17, 2012

In United States of America calendar, it is already one day late when talking about the 16th date of January. Much more when talking about Philippine calendar since Philippines time is ahead of 15 hours this time. Hence, it is already two days belated. Yes, he was sometime during the 16th of January. Before I forgot, I say biological father because I have maternal uncles and grandfather I called "papa" just like how I called him. It seems like when they are all  in one setting and I say "papa" they will all look unto me. Hehe! I can relate how I put a name after when I say "papa" (like papa Reyte, etc) because I have four people I called father excluding my fatherly-figure husband which I love much. Wonder why, why the three (two maternal uncles and a maternal grandfather I also called "papa" or father? Will talk that on the other post. For now, I don't want to spoil my greeting to my lovely father biological father. I owe him my life, if not because of him I am not here. Oops, there's a "though" word of that but I don't care because he loves me as just like his legitimate children. He actually there for me when somebody gives an angst word against me, that's because I did/does/do my best of being a good daughter to him. Whatever it is, I love my father because he loves me too. The journey of having no biological father with me when I was on my newborn to young years is not a hindrance of being a good person, of loving him despite of those journey without him. After all, he has made a "make-up" after we saw and in-touch with each other. To papa Reyte, "happy birthday" ! Have more long years to celebrate your birthday!


  1. Sam D. said...
    Belated happy birthday to your biological dad. I can tell that you're a good daughter.
    Cacai M. said...
    Thank you Sam. :-) Thanks for being here too, will swing by on yours soon. muahhh!

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