March 19, 2012

1)     Letter sounds- In the English language there is only a finite number of different sounds. Once the child has a simple command of the sounds that come out of their mouth then there are the solid foundations that lead to rapid improvements
2)    Letter names- Once the child knows the different sounds in the language, the next important step is to teach them the different letter sounds. In other words, they need to know the alphabet but the order of the alphabet is not yet important.
3)    Recognize letter shape- before learning what sound goes with what, a basic recognition of each letter shape is needed. Once the child is able to recognize these different shapes then it is a lot easier for them to build their spelling skills. There are many different ways to do this, one way is by having fridge magnets in the shape of letters, even reading your book with them looking over your shoulder is useful as they are slowly getting more and more used to these shapes.
4)    Forming letters- Once able to recognize the shape, the next step is for the child to be able to form the shape of their own accord. The importance of this is obvious, without this skill it will be impossible to write at all, let alone be able to spell to a good standard. There are lots of fun ways to do this. One way is to make some plasticine and mould the letters with this, this is a great example of an activity that is both educational and enjoyable, another way to do this is by drawing the letters in the sand.
5)    Refine Sounds- Go through the speaking process again but this time make sure each sound is made more clear than before, this is so there is no confusion between each distinct sound which will cause confusion later on in the process.
6)    Refine names- Learning the letter name with clarity is important for the development of the communication of spelling, and the language in general. It is also crucial for the next few steps.
7)    Awareness of letters- Show the child that letters are everywhere, point out what letters are what if possible. A good way to start this is by using letters from the child’s name and showing that they are in all different kinds of words. This is because the familiarity of their own name is far greater than any other word, and thus will be able to associate that with letters a lot more easily.
8)    Spelling their name- Although they may be able to recognize their own name on a piece of paper, the next important step is for them to be able to write it by themselves, this is the start of the creation of the word bank.
9)    Learn alphabet- Teach the child the alphabet song, this will mean they will be able to know the order of the alphabet and will also give them a better all round knowledge of all of the different letters.
10)   Ispy game- Showing you child different words, make them sound out the first letter of each word, once complete, the basics of spelling is finished.

Once this is mastered, it is necessary to build upon this. One way to do this is to use a revolution prep coupon to get a great supplementary education experience but not breaking the bank!


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