March 12, 2013

The lunch bag has gone a long way from the time “baon” (food to bring) was wrapped in brown bags, banana leaves, or plastic cellophane. Oops! I am talking about our lunch box or lunch pack in the birth country. Now, the traditional baon wraps have given way to more innovative designs that are compact, handy and convenient and, most importantly, keep food fresh and crisp.

More than just the designs, though, it is also important for lunch bags to be tight and drip-free so food and drinks won’t leak and create smudges or stains on your bag, or clothes when you open it. This is really important, especially if you are giving a lunch box to your child in the school. You should consider buying a lunch box with air and liquid tight, and must have a resilient silicon seal to keep your food fresh longer, warm longer and eliminates odors and spills as well.


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