March 19, 2013

As great as we Moms are, most of us just aren’t the tool carrying fix-it kind of gals we'd like to be. We just can't do it all. Too many of us just don’t know the difference between a Phillips screwdriver and a flat-blade one. While this isn’t a really big deal for most of us smart women (we usually find other areas in which to excel). It does pose a problem when something breaks down or needs fixing, especially when we don't have a handy guy around to help.

Even so, times are a changing, and although you, like me, may believe home-improvement projects fall into the guy area national telephone survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation shows that about half of all American women of knowledge, have undertaken one home-improvement job or another over the last two years - even if it is just painting. Still, this is an astonishing and pleasant fact (a project none of us would have taken on some 30 years ago.)

How Do They Do It?

Apparently, before taking on a project of this nature, most 'handy-gal' women seek out the advice from the Pros at the local home-improvement store. Or they watch a how-to video, a TV program, read a book or ask a neighbor about the process of the job at hand (see what I mean - smart women.

What’s The Point?

When asked, these women stated that the primary reason they took the job on themselves was to save money. Although, some said it was the satisfaction in knowing they could get it done that led them to success.

How Do You Start?

The simplest way to take on a home-improvement project is to plan ahead. Take on a simple project, something like installing a curtain rod, blinds or tightening the cupboard pulls first. Look at the hardware you need to install, then head over to your computer.

Research the repair method, view a few videos and write down any special tools you’ll need. On a whim, take a walk down to your basement or to your tool drawer and see if you have the necessary tools to complete the job. You probably don’t, but don’t let that stop you.

A Great Way to Get the Guys to Pitch In.

Even if you aren’t a real do-it-yourself-er, having the tools available can get the job done. The secret to making the guy in your life get up off the couch and fix the problem is to have the right irresistible power tool available. He’ll be so excited to use the tool that he won't realize he’s doing real around the house work.


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