April 17, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

I have come across the chitchat to my close friend who reside in the Philippines now, who is one of my reliable source of news and current info's in there. I was shock that Ted Failon, a tv personality specifically in news area under one of the big entertainment company in there got being in suspension and suspected to be one of the murderer of his wife. It has been said that Ted Failon's wife committed suicide because of financial problem. It's not really clear what is it about, what had been verified was it's because of financial or money. So Ted Failon now is under observation because he had been alligated that he's the one killed his beloved wife. This report reminds me of Nida Blanca's case, it's just that the well-known personality had been a allegedly reported whereas in other case, the victim is the popular one itself. Which is which, and who is the one? Nida Blanca's case is until now doomed of who killed her? Is her husband? I don't know... I believe that the truth will prevail at any case soon! I hope so.


  1. Lollii-Pii said...
    Perhaps, some big shots are involved in this case. I haven't watched nor heard about the news until yesterday. I was shocked of course, to know that his wife committed suicide due to certain financial issues. I do not know the full story thus, I'll pray for Mr. Ted Failon. I'm one of his avid fan really, and I know he'll get through this very soon.
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