Showing posts with label Famous People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Famous People. Show all posts

July 02, 2010

Oops, it is a hit not a Heat! But anyway, perhaps he could be with the Heat (Miami) team too, who knows? Yep, only James Lebron and his agent knows if he will sign-up the agreement directly. But lo and behold because James has a big eye on the courtship of Pat Riley. According to the report from Sports Center of ESPN 9:30 a.m. live as I watched lately on television, Lebron is confident to be in the trio of Dwane Wade and Chris Bosh but still it is not surely one since there is still a meet-up of this "in-demand" free agent great National Basketball Association (NBA) player who shows a great job from succeeding years especially the last season of this year. Would you believe one team agent suitor would like to give me a shot of whooping 120M? Yes, I heard it and confirmed 120 million dollars --- not quiet sure if it a contract of three or five years though. But hey, you do your math --- Paul Pierce was in contract of Boston for three years of 90M and said it is quiet cheap for his talent and said he gave Boston a lot of discount for that. Possibly he will be in other team this next season but possibly also not, just that his salary will be raised. Back to Lebron, so it is very much possible for that 120M for him of three-years contract, huh? Obviously as what you can see from the last season that he played better than Pierce and so your judgment will be heard for this. Surely, I will research for this but am more on that three years or perhaps two? You bet! :) And what about Kobe Bryant? How much is his talent fee or salary then? For sure, that is more than Lebron James. Some other not-so-famous NBA players only got 20-50 million bucks for three to five years. Ooh well. :)

I jumped out from bed lately though my eyes still wanted to asleep as I heard the news on our bedroom television (live at Sports Center, ESPN) that Lebron James had a meeting with Miami Heat and Los Angeles Clippers agents lately (of course along with his agent) aside from a Thursday (yesterday) met -up with New Jersey Nets and New York Knits. And ooh Knits made two offers for him. And so the meet-up with the other agent suitors tomorrow continues with his previous team Cleveland Cavaliers which he was under with for seven years which he garnered twice the Most Valuable Player (MVP). Along with the meet-up tomorrow is Chicago Bulls. So six agent suitors huh? Which team agent next? Orlando Magic? Ooh well just for that six agent teams, is already a bunch. He just deserves as being an "in-demand" because he plays great and yes, has a talent! Don't you think? ;)

February 16, 2010

As I recalled, Presidents' Day last year was Feb 16 and this year it was one day ahead which was yesterday - February 15. It fall on that day because the day was sandwich from the weekend and normally it is not on the exact date every year but it falls on the Monday on the midth of Heart Month (Feb). As what the history and fact told, this is called the "Presidents' Day" in honor of the late two presidents George Washington (The First USA President) which his birth date is February twenty-second (22nd) and Abraham Lincoln (The 16th USA President) which he was born in the ninth (9th) day of February. Though they are not in this world anymore (deceased), yet we celebrate their birthdays (in one) because they are important persons that shaped up United States of America and one of the reasons why this nation is up today. Have a happy Presidents Day all!

November 23, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

It's the first day of workdays, time for Music Monday MM again. It's music entry sharing to those who love music. For me, music is one thing that keeps me alive especially in time of my sloppy days. There's something in it that I can relate to whatever state of mood I am. I don't know but I am just really fascinated with it.

So, would you like to have a jam today? What about a reggae from Bob Marley? Here we go, an "Is This Love" song, here it is:

( source )
For more of My Music Monday entries, it's in here . Enjoy every beat of the music, okay? Hope you there are enjoying. Have a happy Music Monday!
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

November 15, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

It's time for Music Monday(MM) again. This time am featuring Crash 'n' Burn from one of my favorite band Savage Garden. There are two videos below, the music video and its lyrics in case one like to see how it spelled or something. Also so you can jam as to the music. (~_~)

The music is such meaningful though the video seems weird but when you want to grasp its meaning, you can then find what the song wants to deliver. By the way, isn't it true that sometimes we experience some loneliness when one wants to crush and burn? Don't be fooled by such feeling since that's just emotion needs attention. We are all in one as for one for all? Whatever it is, when there's a problem there's always a solution. And there's always someone to lean on. Just be good. (~_~)

And here it is:

(music video source )

(source )

For more of My MM entry, it's in here .
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

October 26, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

It's my Musical Monday journey again. Now am going to share Miss Saigon, Lea Salonga's song "Colors of the Wind". Remember Pocahontas? :-) Okay, let's together watch and hear this:

( Music Video Source )

For more of my MM entry, it's in her e . Happy MM!
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

August 03, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

My Music Monday entry for this week is dedicated to honorable 11th President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino that peacefully passed away last August 1 this year(Philippine time) at the age of 76 of cardio arrest. The music is such more on lovers but let us just turn it to her instead for lovers purpose. By the way, I pick this song because Michelle Branch is one of my singer idol who perform accoustic and slow rock. And now, here is the song:

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

More of my MM in here . Happy Music Monday folks!

April 17, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

I have come across the chitchat to my close friend who reside in the Philippines now, who is one of my reliable source of news and current info's in there. I was shock that Ted Failon, a tv personality specifically in news area under one of the big entertainment company in there got being in suspension and suspected to be one of the murderer of his wife. It has been said that Ted Failon's wife committed suicide because of financial problem. It's not really clear what is it about, what had been verified was it's because of financial or money. So Ted Failon now is under observation because he had been alligated that he's the one killed his beloved wife. This report reminds me of Nida Blanca's case, it's just that the well-known personality had been a allegedly reported whereas in other case, the victim is the popular one itself. Which is which, and who is the one? Nida Blanca's case is until now doomed of who killed her? Is her husband? I don't know... I believe that the truth will prevail at any case soon! I hope so.

March 12, 2009

You might already knew this but for some peepz, I have to post this.(1) Francis Durango Magalona , who is a famous rapper, song writer, producer,director, actor, and host in the Philippine Music Industry died of leukemia. He's just only 44 years old. How sad for he's just very young to. Well, to the fans out there like me- it's just what it is. God got him already. We will just offer a prayer for him as an honor of his valuable talent endowed and shared to us Filipinos and all.

(2) The Iraqi Journalist
Muntader al-Zaidi, who shot to fame after flinging his shoe at former President George W. Bush during a press conference with their Prime Minister last December in Baghdad, ended with a relatively light three-year sentence before had given already a 3-year of punishment living behind bars. For me, whatever reasons he has, this is a just punishment or should I say is not an enough punishment that he insulted as such as like that to an honorable American President. It should be 7 years or 15 as it's first appeal then, he's lucky enough to have just light 3-years sentenced . How do you like what he's doing guys?

(3) After 2 months from the defeat of Lakers (Los Angeles team) versus Spurs (San Antonio team) for one(1) point only finally came into match again yesterday and Lakers did it for 7 points against Spurs.

And I would like also to give heartily thanks to those friendly and thoughtful fellas(plural of fellow or co-bloggers) who tag and awards me, thank you soo much for including me in your list and am thinking of doing it every weekends for the busy as a bee sched of me during weekdays- you know already guys the reasons. Thanks for the patient of waiting your tag to post in here. Don't yah worry 'coz I will do all the tags and awards you've endowed and entitled for me. Muahhhugs to all of you. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Check it out guys every weekends.

Beloved First Commenter- Cecile

February 09, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

We have no class for today for t he school I attended recognize the birthday of the 16th President here in United States of America who is Abraham Lincoln which is today. Actually everyone recognizes this but usually or should the holiday is being held on the next week- 3rd Monday of February of every year(this year- Feb. 16) in honor also of the birthday date of First USA Pres. George Washington. It is celebrated on the 16th (for Late-Presidents: Abrahan Lincoln and George Washington) though the original birthdate of Late-President George Washington is on the 22nd of this month. Many states formerly observed Lincoln's birthday have created a joint holiday to honor both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington , calling it " Presidents' Day " . So then, our school(mine) celebrates twice which is today and on the next Monday. Well then, I can do blogging and updating now, so here I am.. (~_~) .

On the other hand, as I woke up lately, I heard the big raindrops fell down under our roof and on the side of our apartment. It's been four(4) days now beginning Thursday up to this Day(Monday) and I don't know if this will continue for how many days onward. The good is there's no strong wind and the sun still shines for an hour a day, so still I saw sunshine which smiling at me lately after two hours from woke up and after an hour of sunshine, the rain started to fell down again and until now it's raining. This is the long days of raining I witness in here since last year but then I didn't feel awkward or weird since it has been forecasts in the news so it is expected.

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February 05, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

According to Wikipedia:

She's an ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT of U.S. A. . The only w oman on the nation's highest court and one of its most consistent liberal voices. She's one of the eight(8) Associa te Justices in the United State Supreme Court- which is being lead b y the Chief Justice. As what we know that the Supreme Court is the highest judicial body of the United States of America. She is also the first Jewish woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Ginsburg has been the court's lone female Justice after O'Connor's retirement in 2006(the latter line is in complement from Wikipedia). This woman amazed me of her achievement and success when it comes to education and career. The sad news is as we(me and my husband) watc hed the news lately, it has been said that she has been into surgery today for pancreas cancer. In a statement, the court announced that Ginsburg, 75, underwent surgery at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York for removal of a cancerous tumor from her pancreas. The court said: "Justice Ginsburg had no symptoms prior to the incidental discovery of the lesion during a routine annual check-up in late January at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. A Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) Scan revealed a small t umor, approximately 1 (centimeter) across, in the center of the pancreas.
Born June 30, 1985) is an American Swimmer. He has won 14 career Olympic Gold Medals, the most by any Olympian. By the end of 2008, he held seven world records in swimming. Phelps holds the record for the most gold medals won at a single Olympics with the eight golds he won at the 2008 Olympic Games. Overall, Phelps has won 16 Olympic medals: six(6)golds and two(2) bronze, and eight(8) golds at Beijing in 2008. The sad thing is he was being caught of smoking pot(weed or marijuana). He was also being caught and held of DUI(Driving Under Influence) some years ago and apologized. More of this next time friends.. Lab yah! Have a nice day! muahh.. (~_~)'
(P.S. special thanks to wikipedia and latimes for some info and pics of this post.)

January 20, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Today Jan. 20, 2009 is the Inauguration Day of the President-elect Barack Obama. A historic event in which people not just only the citizen, nationals, the people who lives in the Country of America but the people around the world. As what we have knew that America plays the biggest role in United Nations and that makes this famous, as I said around the globe. Hours from now, he will step on at the United States Capitol to be proclaimed as the 44th President of the United States. And this is what am waiting for. It's pretty amazing how the history enriches each of our lives, I mean witnessing this coming Inauguration Day later, even if am just on watching tv- am still proud of it. We have not got into lots of hopes but full. This is what the promise of soon-to-be inaugurated president Barack Obama. Anyway, what I am just saying is we will have to watch the Inauguration Day later for we are one as a nation. Happy viewing, hearing, watching as well as clapping in honor of the to-be-proclaimed President soon. Have a nice Day...

posted by: Cacai M.

It was yesterday (January 19 as 3rd Monday of the month) that we honor the 24th Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (it was first observed on January 1986 though it was first observed by all 50 states by year 2000) . As what we have know, he was a preacher or a clergy man who was fighting for the equal civil rights of every people in the community of the United States of America . He was an African-American clergyman who advocated social change through non-violent means. A powerful speaker and a man of great spiritual strength, he shaped the American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. And today, is the continued patronage for him for this is one of what he likes to have, I mean what he's fighting for that makes him a famous and an honorable person- exercising civil rights as I have said earlier. That everybody irregardless of race, skin/color, sex, religion/religious creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, etc. shall receive an equal treatment and consideration (look in Wikipedia for more information). Today following yesterday is the Inauguration of the 44th President and the First American-African President. This is really history. And the soon-to-be inaugurated is making a history too (as he is the First African-American President). So, kudos Martin Luther King, Jr.! We are one as a nation and everybody is involve not only black and white but everybody.
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