Showing posts with label USA Presidents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA Presidents. Show all posts

February 16, 2010

As I recalled, Presidents' Day last year was Feb 16 and this year it was one day ahead which was yesterday - February 15. It fall on that day because the day was sandwich from the weekend and normally it is not on the exact date every year but it falls on the Monday on the midth of Heart Month (Feb). As what the history and fact told, this is called the "Presidents' Day" in honor of the late two presidents George Washington (The First USA President) which his birth date is February twenty-second (22nd) and Abraham Lincoln (The 16th USA President) which he was born in the ninth (9th) day of February. Though they are not in this world anymore (deceased), yet we celebrate their birthdays (in one) because they are important persons that shaped up United States of America and one of the reasons why this nation is up today. Have a happy Presidents Day all!

February 09, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

We have no class for today for t he school I attended recognize the birthday of the 16th President here in United States of America who is Abraham Lincoln which is today. Actually everyone recognizes this but usually or should the holiday is being held on the next week- 3rd Monday of February of every year(this year- Feb. 16) in honor also of the birthday date of First USA Pres. George Washington. It is celebrated on the 16th (for Late-Presidents: Abrahan Lincoln and George Washington) though the original birthdate of Late-President George Washington is on the 22nd of this month. Many states formerly observed Lincoln's birthday have created a joint holiday to honor both Abraham Lincoln and George Washington , calling it " Presidents' Day " . So then, our school(mine) celebrates twice which is today and on the next Monday. Well then, I can do blogging and updating now, so here I am.. (~_~) .

On the other hand, as I woke up lately, I heard the big raindrops fell down under our roof and on the side of our apartment. It's been four(4) days now beginning Thursday up to this Day(Monday) and I don't know if this will continue for how many days onward. The good is there's no strong wind and the sun still shines for an hour a day, so still I saw sunshine which smiling at me lately after two hours from woke up and after an hour of sunshine, the rain started to fell down again and until now it's raining. This is the long days of raining I witness in here since last year but then I didn't feel awkward or weird since it has been forecasts in the news so it is expected.

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January 20, 2009

posted by: Cacai M.

Today Jan. 20, 2009 is the Inauguration Day of the President-elect Barack Obama. A historic event in which people not just only the citizen, nationals, the people who lives in the Country of America but the people around the world. As what we have knew that America plays the biggest role in United Nations and that makes this famous, as I said around the globe. Hours from now, he will step on at the United States Capitol to be proclaimed as the 44th President of the United States. And this is what am waiting for. It's pretty amazing how the history enriches each of our lives, I mean witnessing this coming Inauguration Day later, even if am just on watching tv- am still proud of it. We have not got into lots of hopes but full. This is what the promise of soon-to-be inaugurated president Barack Obama. Anyway, what I am just saying is we will have to watch the Inauguration Day later for we are one as a nation. Happy viewing, hearing, watching as well as clapping in honor of the to-be-proclaimed President soon. Have a nice Day...

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