February 16, 2010

As I recalled, Presidents' Day last year was Feb 16 and this year it was one day ahead which was yesterday - February 15. It fall on that day because the day was sandwich from the weekend and normally it is not on the exact date every year but it falls on the Monday on the midth of Heart Month (Feb). As what the history and fact told, this is called the "Presidents' Day" in honor of the late two presidents George Washington (The First USA President) which his birth date is February twenty-second (22nd) and Abraham Lincoln (The 16th USA President) which he was born in the ninth (9th) day of February. Though they are not in this world anymore (deceased), yet we celebrate their birthdays (in one) because they are important persons that shaped up United States of America and one of the reasons why this nation is up today. Have a happy Presidents Day all!


  1. analou said...
    Belated Happy President's Day. We only put our flag in front of our porch in honor of our previous presidents.
    Cacai M. said...
    Likewise best bud---Happy Presidents Day! :-)

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