March 13, 2012

Yes, I morning the night and I don't care, of what? I don't care sleeping, alright, I plan to sleep later afternoon when I can have more time, successive time, since she would have her last medicine in the morning by 12 noon with her milk and a little food then, the next is her snack by 3:00 pm or I can have it by 4:00 or 5:00 pm full. So I can have at least 4 hours uninterrupted sleep. I also need to have consecutive naps then to complete the 6-8 hours of sleep, at least 6 hours.

Why I morning the night? The first thing is I have to awake because baby Sam has a fever and I make sure I am always available when she needs me, in the daytime I think I can have my DH but not during night time. So, I need not to sleep. Secondly, I need to update my blog whilst tending her. Of course, she's the priority reason aside from tending my DH's sleeping disorder (yes, having bad dreams or alike). In this way, we're all safe and sound. I have to adjust my time. And so I morning the night. Am fine. I even smile like this: :-) and wink too. ;-) Ha! Good morning USA!


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