March 11, 2012

You already know that I have embark into a mommy. I have now my own mommy journey. Spending quality and a lot of quantity times with her is priceless. I've got to nurture her by my  own, and my one and only strength. Without family circles to help me can be an overwhelming job but I choose this and I tell you what, I never regret it. It's precious!

My pretty little girl is getting bigger and bigger each day, I hardly have time to keep up with her developments and milestones and here comes new ones. I am only too glad I was able to stay at home so I can witness all these wonderful little milestones that my little princess has. If I were still working, it will probably break my heart if I was not able to experience her first gooey smile first-hand or witness her first roll-over with my own two eyes. The little girl will be sampling solid foods very soon (actually had her first sampling yesterday) and I cannot wait to see her reaction to different tastes and textures. I am just glad I am just at arm’s reach to guide her every step of the way and to take photos, too!


  1. Marms said...
    Being a mother is a wonderful thing and very rewarding.

    Cacai M. said...
    Indeed Marms! :-) To add, "love my own" pod. Syempre no, ato gud anak, dba? hehe! Thanks for the visit Marms. :-)

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